Testimonial by Mr. Somkuan Ratchatawimon

🎙️📚 We are happy to present a testimonial given to our Head of English, Nace, by Mr. Somkuan Ratchatawimon, the Deputy Director of the Prachuabkirikhan Primary Educational Service Area Office 2.

They discussed the impact of the Bright Dawn Foundation on the schools it supports. Mr. Somkuan shares his first-hand experiences and observations on how our initiatives are fostering positive change and inspiring students to reach their full potential. 🌟🎓

Mr. Somkuan Ratchatawimon

Thank you very much to the Bright Dawn Foundation for bringing happiness to the children and providing them with greater learning opportunities. Your commitment to doing good, as well as creating a supportive learning environment in schools, providing learning materials, computers, and much more, is truly commendable.

The support for academic development through interactive English classes, field trips, and exciting external learning experiences, along with creative arts sessions, aims to make learning enjoyable. This approach not only provides education but also spreads joy among the children and our future generations. It fosters goodness and beauty in students because happy children are good children. Goodness shapes children into quality individuals, laying a solid foundation for them to become good members of their families, communities, and the nation in the future.

Bright Dawn also promotes outdoor activities that encourage children to exercise and use their imagination, enhancing their physical abilities, social skills, and overall well-being. From exploring nature and the environment to learning how to navigate social interactions, outdoor play gives children opportunities to learn, grow, and enjoy being kids. Encouraging children to step outside and enjoy the benefits of outdoor play is vital.

Bright Dawn is dedicated to creating educational opportunities for children and youth. It supports schools in the community to foster knowledge, experiences, and life skills for the sustainable development of children and youth in real-life applications. On behalf of the students, youth, teachers, and parents at the schools that have benefited from the aforementioned support from the Bright Dawn Foundation, thank you for creating a better future for our country.

Mr. Somkuan Ratchatawimon

Deputy Director of the Prachuap Khiri Khan Primary Educational Service Area Office 2

Mr. Somkuan Ratchatawimon
Mr. Somkuan Ratchatawimon

“History will judge us by the difference we make in the everyday lives of children.”

Nelson Mandela

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bright dawn foundation, childrens charity thailand, childrens foundation Thailand, English program, Thailand charities

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